Dan - FUNfit Trainer
Dan is a professional firefighter with 33 years of service. He first learned about CrossFit in 2008 when he was in charge of the fitness program for the fire department, though he was totally skeptical that you could get a good workout in 60 minutes or less. Since then, he’s done more certifications than you can throw a kettle bell at. (Walking encyclopedia, pretty much. But he’s humble. Sort of. OK, not really.)
Dan has an especially good eye for correct form, is a massive believer in continuous learning, and maintaining form first. Increasing speed and strength should only be done with proper form. Because he’s had back, shoulder, knee and abdominal injuries over the years, he has learned quite a bit about the need for correct form, core engagement, and full functional mobility of shoulders and hips. He’s been active all his life – even winning some bodybuilding competitions way back in the early 1990s (see, we’re old around here), but credits Crossfit with having him in the best shape of his life. Even though he’s a “recovering” bodybuilder, he can still be caught doing dumbbell curls on occasion when no one is watching!
He enjoys spending time with his wife and dog, hiking, biking and kayaking, and cooking as hobbies. He attended the Northwest Culinary Academy, a Cordon Blue vacation course in Florence, Italy, and quite a few cooking classes locally – using those skills to tweak old favorites into healthier options. A favorite cheat for Dan is Trader Joe’s gorgonzola gnocchi, with a couple minced and sautéed hot links added. Can it really be cheating when it tastes sooo good?!?
(Speaking of things that make people happy, so they can't be wrong, please enjoy this lovely video clip of Dan from the 90's hit movie Singles. And yes, that's why many of us have shirts with his face on them that say Tender Feelings Man. We love our tender feelings, man.)
Some of Dan's trainings include: CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Level 2, CrossFit Olympic Lifting, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Nutrition, Crossfit Mobility, CrossFit Striking, CrossFit Kettlebell, ACE / IAFF Peer Fitness Trainer, USAW Level 1, Active Life RX Movement Assessment