Vanessa- CrossFit / Personal Training / Kids Coach
Vanessa’s love for fitness started in her native Alaska, where she would come home from middle school and spend hours working out to Jane Fonda and Cindy Crawford aerobics videos and Billy Blanks Tae Bo. When she got to high school she discovered weightlifting, and there her fitness journey began in earnest. In 2010, Vanessa discovered CrossFit. She quickly fell in love with the community, with the combination of fitness methodologies, and with the intensity of the workouts! Most importantly, she appreciated how CrossFit promotes scalability, and encourages accessibility. As someone born without ankle flexion, moving correctly and efficiently was a challenging process for Vanessa. And like a lot of other people, it took her a little while to get her first pull-up!
When she isn’t coaching or working out, she’s probably hanging out with her friends and their dogs, or maybe just with their dogs. Vanessa is also an avid Netflix junkie, and can easily offer you a verbal summary of any episode of Degrassi.
Certifications: CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Level 2, USAW Level 1, CrossFit Kettlebell, CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Football, Brand X Kids